Aswin Mohan =========== handcrafted by someone interested in code, design and life * Contact - [email]( - [github]( - [twitter]( * Navigation - [about](/about.txt) - [now](/now.txt) How to Read this Blog --------------------- This blog is made up of a collection of text files, hence no clickable links. It's also best read at 110% zoom. All links are in the format [Link Title](url). If the url is relative, paste it after the root domain to go the right page. If it is absolute, replace the entire URL. You can use `ctrl + l` or `cmd + l` to edit the address bar. All posts are summarised here with tags. Search for the tags with the browser find function, eg: #best to find the best posts. If you want to know why I'm doing this read [only text](/only.txt). All Posts --------- * 2022-04-06 [Only Text](/only.txt) #best, #blog, #plain_text I go deep why this blog is written in plain text, what I'm planning to do with it, and a spec for how this blog is structured. * 2022-03-23 [Phoenix LiveView in Production](/liveview-production.txt) #indie_paper, #elixir, #phoenix, #live_view I used Phoenix LiveView in Production for my last startup IndiePaper. This blog post outlines why I used LiveView, issues I came across, the good parts and gotchas to look out for. * 2022-01-14 [Superfast Webapps using NextJS, Vercel, LiveView and](/superfast-liveview.txt) #best, #indie_paper, #elixir, #phoenix, #live_view, #nextjs, #vercel, #react IndiePaper has a NextJS frontend which proxies requests to the LiveView backend. This means that I can easily edit and serve the marketing pages separtely and make it available even when the main site goes down. This post outlines the setup. * 2021-12-16 [The URL is the Web Developer's Best Friend](/url-friend.txt) #web, #spa Storing the state in URL bar can mitigate UX issues when reconnecting and reloading. This small blog posts goes into why you should be storing state that handles user flow in the URL. * 2020-06-23 [Compiling OpenSSL 1.0 for Older Package Versions](/compile-old-ssl.txt) #openssl, #legacy-code, #code, #python, #elixir, #erlang, #asdf When setting up legacy projects, you might need to set up the corresponding packages. Some of these packages and runtimes might not work with the latest version of OpenSSL. This post outlines how to compile them with the older OpenSSL version 1.0. * 2020-04-12 [Implementing Autocomplete Select in Rails 6](/autocomplete-rails.txt) #rails-6, #rails, #autocomplete, #javascript, #ruby Create an autocomplete dropdown that associated records in Rails 6. * 2020-01-07 [The Simplest Productivity System is the Best](/simple-productivity.txt) #productivity, #life Rather than chasing after the new productivity framework, spend that time doing what you are supposed to do. When you feel like you're current setup is not adequate then incrementally change and improve the system. * 2019-12-08 [Turning Off Syntax Highlighting](/syntax-off.txt) #code, #workflow My experience with turning off syntax highlighting for my code editor.